Private & Semi-Private Training

Private & Semi-Private Training

Private training is a fully personalized program based on the clients’ needs. Performance coaches will work one-on-one to create a plan that will help individuals reach their goals. Semi-private training is a small group training that ranges from two to four people....
Small Group Performance Training

Small Group Performance Training

Our Performance Coaches don’t just coach and instruct during sessions, they take the time to educate each and every client. The training and education at Parabolic gives each client a foundation of fitness knowledge to last a...
Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a relaxing way to reduce stress and reduce pain in the neck and back. The health benefits go beyond relaxing muscles to ease discomfort, including enhanced circulation, lower blood pressure, and a better night’s sleep. To find out more about how...
Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Our physical therapy program is made to give patients the best care at all times. We are proud to have expert physical therapists with Doctorates of Physical Therapy. Our therapists are trained to treat issues like arthritis, back pain, neck pain, joint injuries,...