The idea of commitment can be very scary for some people, but when it comes to your health, it’s a decision that yields unmeasurable dividends. A true commitment to improved health and wellness requires a deep understanding that the process is a journey. It means that you need to be in it for the long haul; rising above your bad days when you don’t feel like doing anything. It’s about being determined about your health and finding a way to manage your time despite a busy schedule. The journey is more than one time per week or a couple of months. In fact, its more than just a year, a simple pill or magical drink. It’s a lifelong process of self-evaluation; not a sprint to the finish. Take it one step at a time!

As creatures of habit we go to great lengths to find the path of least resistance, to find the quickest way to get those washboard abs or “toned arms”. But why not take that same energy and enthusiasm and spread it out over the course of time? This seems like the most logical thing to do, but it requires the most amount of work. Instant gratification has become the norm of society and disillusions people into believe this is the only way.

You may be one of those people who over analyzes every decision when it comes to exercising or finds every reason why you simply can’t take the first step. Maybe you’ve started your journey and have taken that leap of faith but miss workouts here and there or make poor meal choices during the weekends. Either way, whether you’re struggling to get started or hard on yourself because of bad decisions, one bad day or one bad meal will not impede your progress, just like one great workout or one healthy meal will not ensure fitness success. As I mentioned earlier, it’s a commitment to the process and every repetition, every bead of sweat, and every decision you make. Believe it or not, even failure is a valuable part of the process. You can’t achieve your goals without everything in between.

Consistency becomes extremely important throughout your journey. Building something that lasts over a lifetime means making smart and deliberate decisions and above all, staying committed. If you’re committed, the rest of the pieces will fall into place. So, go get started today and commit to just taking that first step. It’s worth it!