
Physical Therapist

Kishan Patel

“You have to expect great things of yourself before you can do them”
- Micheal Jordan




Rutgers University-B.S Health Sciences  
University of Saint Augustine-Doctor of Physical Therapy 

Favorite Sport:

Powerlifting, Football, and Basketball 


USAPL 82.5 KG Powerlifter 
3rd Place: USAPL Intrepid Classic
3rd Place: USAPL Heavy Metal Classic 

Home Town:

Parsippany, NJ 

As a passionate and dedicated physical therapist focused on helping individuals achieve their best through evidence-based care, Dr. Patel believes in practicing what he shares with his patients. Dr. Patel’s journey began as a personal trainer, where he discovered the joy of building both physical strength and mental resilience. As a competitive powerlifter and coach, he understood the unique challenges athletes face and used that insight to optimize recovery and performance. Dr. Kishan Patel’s mission as a physical therapist is to blend his expertise in movement science with a commitment to helping others overcome obstacles and thrive.