Private & Semi-Private Training

Private training is a fully personalized program based on the clients’ needs. Performance coaches will work one-on-one to create a plan that will help individuals reach their goals.
Semi-private training is a small group training that ranges from two to four people. The goals will be decided by the group and the coaches will create a plan to help each member succeed.

Treatment & Methods

Private Training

This is our fully customizable program for the individuals’ needs and our coaches’ full attention. In this one-on-one experience, our coaches will design and facilitate a plan that will get that individual to the goal results they want. Of course, we expect a level of work ethic from the client, but our coaches will help to provide the accountability to help drive the results. There is no better way to have a full customizable training experience than joining us in our Personal Training Program.

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Private Training

This is our fully customizable program for the individuals’ needs and our coaches’ full attention. In this one-on-one experience, our coaches will design and facilitate a plan that will get that individual to the goal results they want. Of course, we expect a level of work ethic from the client, but our coaches will help to provide the accountability to help drive the results. There is no better way to have a full customizable training experience than joining us in our Personal Training Program.

Semi Private Training

Our Semi-Private Training option consists of a minimum of two people and a maximum of four people. This program option is like our Private Training, but with a small group that is specifically focused on attaining the same goal requirements.

Semi Private Training

Our Semi-Private Training option consists of a minimum of two people and a maximum of four people. This program option is like our Private Training, but with a small group that is specifically focused on attaining the same goal requirements.