A Rhythm to Coaching​

A Rhythm to Coaching​

Introducing new movements to clients can be tricky. There are many pitfalls a coach can run into that can leave both the coach and, more importantly, the client feeling unsuccessful and frustrated. The main issue coaches tend to have is “over-coaching” a new movement....

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How to “Hug” Your Clients​

How to “Hug” Your Clients​

I know what you may be thinking, “Is this guy actually about to tell me how to hug my clients? What does that have to do with training?” Don’t worry. This article is not actually about literally hugging your clients, but rather about showing them just how much you...

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It Could Be Holding You Back!

It Could Be Holding You Back!

Whether you want to believe it or not, clutter is like a dark cloud that constantly follows us around. This persistent threat impedes our abilities to make strides toward fitness success. For some, this means losing weight, getting more sleep, increasing the amount of...

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Tips to Prevent Impulsive Eating​

Tips to Prevent Impulsive Eating​

We’ve all been there. Between running late for work, spending the entire day running errands or just flat out forgetting to prepare for a long day and then suddenly it hits; STARVATION! You are ridiculously hungry and your body starts experiencing every emotion...

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Commitment…It’s Worth It!​

Commitment…It’s Worth It!​

The idea of commitment can be very scary for some people, but when it comes to your health, it’s a decision that yields unmeasurable dividends. A true commitment to improved health and wellness requires a deep understanding that the process is a journey. It means that...

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Odds of Fitness Success Without Proper Fueling​

Odds of Fitness Success Without Proper Fueling​

No matter if you’re one of the most elite athletes in the world or your new to exercise, success at any level is directly correlated to proper nutrition.  If you want to stand any chance of tapping into the peak of your abilities, you need to be deliberate about your...

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Make Time for YOU this Spring​

Make Time for YOU this Spring​

For many of us who set out to conquer New Year’s resolutions and start fresh, that journey many not be going exactly as planned. Excuses are easy to come by and have piled up. Life and work just seem to always get in the way. Your plan to drop those few extra pounds...

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