Parabolic Performance & Rehab

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy


Train Smarter

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy helps you receive the benefits of heavy lifting without the unnecessary and potentially dangerous stress to tissues that may be healing from a recent injury or surgery.

What is Blood Flow Restriction Therapy?

Blood-flow restriction training can help patients make greater strength training gains while lifting lighter loads, thereby reducing the overall stress placed on the joints articular structures, tendons and ligaments. By applying the correct amount of external pressure to an extremity, it is possible to maintain arterial inflow while occluding venous outflow distal to the occlusion site, making for a safe therapeutic training tool and increase time to recovery.

What to expect during BFRT

During BFR therapy, a patient performs therapeutic exercise interventions utilizing a pressure tourniquet. The tourniquet’s purpose is not to occlude inflow of arterial blood to the extremity, but partially restrict venous blood outflow.  When wearing the restrictive cuff during low intensity therapeutic exercise, the restriction in venous outflow produces a systemic response, some to refer to as an anabolic cascade. This is comparative to heavy weight training. High repetitions of a particular exercise while wearing pressure tourniquets and using light weights allows the patient to receive the benefits of heavy lifting without the unnecessary and potentially dangerous stress to tissues that may be healing from a recent injury or surgery.

How it Works

  • Inflatable bands are worn around the upper portion of the arms and/or legs to safely slow the blood in the limb.
  • Our Doctors of Physical Therapy utilize an ultrasound doppler to prescribe individualized limb occlusion pressures for the safest and most effective outcomes.”
  • Simple, low-load exercise produces profound muscle “burn” comparable to intense anaerobic training.
  • This strong fatigue triggers a natural, robust, hormonal cascade, which in turn produces hypertrophy and strength gains on par with heavy exercise or traditional weight lifting.
  • The hormones circulating in the blood stream benefit all areas of the body that were working, not just the restricted limb(s) creating a “Systemic Response.”

Blood Flow Restriction Rehabilitation Includes:

ACL Repairs
Meniscus Rehab
Rotator Cuff Repair
Lower Leg Injuries
Achilles Tendinopathy
Knee Replacement
Endurance Improvement
Elbow Rehab
Muscle strain rehab
Ligament sprain rehab
Tendonitis rehab

and more…

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