We’ve all been there. Between running late for work, spending the entire day running errands or just flat out forgetting to prepare for a long day and then suddenly it hits; STARVATION! You are ridiculously hungry and your body starts experiencing every emotion possible. Weakness sets in, you begin to lose concentration, your stomach is in knots and all you can think about is devouring everything in sight.

What happens next? You succumb to this overwhelming sensation and start making poor food choices that may potentially weaken your immune system, raise your blood sugar and ultimately contribute to weight gain. For some, this may be a one-time occurrence. Unfortunately for others, this happens too frequently and can severely impact overall health and fitness success.

The answer lies in taking a small amount of time to be prepared for emergencies. While this may seem like a daunting task for some of you, it’s actually not as hard as you may think. Start by making a healthy list of on-the-go foods that you actually enjoy eating. This list does not have to be all-inclusive, but make sure that it’s balanced enough with healthy fats, protein and carbs to substitute one item for another if needed. Below are some ideas to get you thinking in the right direction:

  • Unsalted Nuts (Walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews)
    • These provide protein and good fat.


  • Vegetables
    • These provide key micronutrients that your body needs.


  • Nut Butters (Cashew, almond, peanut)
    • Pick whichever your taste buds enjoy the most.


  • Boiled Eggs
    • Packed with protein, this is a great option when in a crunch.


  • Water
    • This is essential for life and can’t be forgotten.


After you’ve put thought into foods that will make you happy, the food now has to travel with you. Convenience is key when you only have five minutes to grab something to curb that hunger, so here are some helpful tips for ease when you’re in a time crunch:

  • Small Cooler
    • Purchase a small cooler that you can keep in the kitchen and easily grab it on the go.


  • Plates, utensils, napkins
    • Reuse a bag and place a couple of plates, some utensils and some napkins in it. This should be in the kitchen next to the cooler so you can easily grab everything together on your way out the day.


  • Small reusable containers or plastic bags
    • Reasonably sized containers will help you control the portions you take with you for the day.


  • Water bottle
    • Drinking half your body weight in fluid ounces is what’s recommended. Are you getting enough water every day?


The key to this process is to make it easy on yourself. Keep things simple. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed or not enjoying the foods from your list, simply start over with step one. You must find foods that will make you happy and that are well-balanced. Success lies in the palm of your hands; enjoy every morsel.